
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Men in Uniforms

The UPS man visited our street today. He went to the neighbor's house. Disappointing.

My friend commented that at least I got to look at him, though, and it made me think. Why are UPS men so much more attractive than the FedEx guys? Is it those brown uniforms? Seriously, the brown uniform is a high standard. Not just anyone can wear it. Put that thing on some men and they look like a walking turd. You've gotta have just the right shoulder width and really great legs to pull it off. They don't seem to let any guys with chicken legs don the infamous Brown Bermudas. For real. Is there a standard for that? I mean, does UPS have a required calf measurement for all delivery men?

They should.

I wonder if FedEx gets a lot of applicants who say they failed the UPS leg standards. . . But, it's not only UPS guys in uniform, Firefighters are generally way hotter (pun partially intended) than Police Officers. The Police generally have the reputation of being pudgy round the middle from all those doughnuts, while Firefighters have abs of steel. Is it from sliding down poles and climbing up ladders? Or is it something about those bright yellow jackets?

Does the uniform make the man, or is it the other way around? All I know is that there are no secret stashes of Policemen in the Teacher's cabinets, but there are definitely quite a few floating around of "That Sexy Fireman" who comes to visit every Fall.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Following the Muse

Okay, so it's been awhile since I've blogged. I've been busy. Sort of.

Actually my life has been pretty boring lately. For real. Who wants to read boring stuff? Not me. And I definitely don't like to write it. Seriously, I'm surprised you're still reading this. Keep going though, it'll get better. Good news awaits in the next sentence...

I wrote a new scene on the actual book today!

That's blog worthy. Fo shizzle.

It wasn't backstory. It wasn't anything from another character's perspective. It was actual book progress. Of course, I deleted about 15 pages and only wrote one new one. I have some catching up to do. So what? The book is better for the cutting, trust me. And I also figured out why it was important to write all that backstory. It was useful. I didn't waste my time on it after all.

It's always kind of interesting to me to find out how things manage to work themselves through the mush of my brain. Everything has a natural progression. It's only in hindsight that I manage to figure out what that progression was. That's why I've stopped questioning it and just go where my Muse takes me sometimes. It's always an interesting journey, regardless of where it ends up. And my writing usually comes out the better for it.

I suppose I could tease you and give you some of what I cut out, but I don't know if I might use any of it later. Besides, it wouldn't make sense because it comes from the middle of the book, and it might give something important away. No, you naughty monkeys, you just have to wait...